Carmen Silvestro -
Life Coach, Breakup and Divorce Coach and Author.

"Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
~author unknown
Leave your divorce in the past...
Begin re-writing the beautiful new chapter to your story.
It hurts so much, I know...
But, you are not alone anymore...
Take a deep breath. You are going to get through this.
Let's get started.
I See You, Dearest Soul...
Wherever you are on your journey, I want you know I've probably walked in your shoes.. Maybe you are still in shock and isolating yourself from the world because the word "divorce" causes you to break down in tears...
Or... Maybe you are numb. Wondering when you will feel more like a human being instead of a robot going through the motions and pretending to everyone that you are ok?
Or... Maybe you are just stuck. You can't seem to move the needle no matter what you do. You feel overwhelmed and terrified that you will never be able to move forward?
I'm sorry...
I know what it's like to cry until you can't see anymore, I know how you can hurt in places that you couldn't imagine you would feel pain, and how nothing that anybody can say is likely to make you feel better...
But I also know that healing is possible and attainable. And that after a while, things will become clearer, and you will become a much stronger and wiser person for this experience. We all have this unbelievable strength and tenacity inside of us that will guide us through. We just have to reach for it.
So I would like you to remember these three things:
You are not alone. You will be ok. And you will love again.
That raw pain that you are feeling right now will begin to fade, and the moments that you catch yourself laughing or appreciating something again will increase in duration, and over time, these moments will prevail.
I have learned that we are amazing, powerful, and resilient beings who are not just meant to survive, but are meant to thrive. And it has become my mission to be the hand that helps pull you out of this darkness, helps to empower you, and helps you to reflect on the powerful lesson that you were meant to learn about yourself from this relationship. Once you let go and embrace the journey, you will find your best, your truest, and most authentic self so that you can attract a new and lasting relationship that is aligned with who you truly are. And if you commit to healing ad growing, you can fully heal and thrive! And you can live a life that you never thought possible.
During our first divorce coaching session, we will figure out where you are in your divorce journey. And we will focus on 3 main areas:
1-What your goals are and what are the roadblocks that may be preventing you from attaining them.
2-What your life would be like without these challenges.
3-I'll give you my best recommendations to help you get to a place where you're living life without constant sadness or loneliness and into rebuilding a fulfilling and beautiful, new life.
We'll also take a few minutes to talk about my coaching style and if it makes sense to continue to work together.
By the end of our call, you will leave with a sense of clarity and an understanding of what your next step should be.
Thought-Based Approach
Support That Makes a Difference
Divorce/Breakup Coaching Session

Decide whether or not you should stay in or leave your current relationship
Get over your ex for good
Find your beautiful self; help grow your self-esteem
Recognize repeating patterns that are causing you to attract the same toxic relationships
It's over, now what? --How to take the
next step toward healing
Are you ready to start dating again?
Embrace Life's Challenges
Life Coaching Session

Release yourself from negative emotions
Get clarity on goals and desires
Recognize behavior that is sabotaging
your growth
Learn energy shifting techniques designed to
keep you focused on your goals
Find your beautiful self; help grow your self-esteem
Get the Most Out Of Life 2
“Our life is what our thoughts make it”
Marcus Aurelius

Inquire about a free discovery consultation